National Truth and Reconciliation Day
September 29, 2021
Focus On: Toyota 80V Electric Pneumatic Forklift
January 10, 2022
Hit the ground running
A company like Industrial Truck Service has to start somewhere, and in this case it was an unassuming shop on McPhillips street in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Providing professional service for the growing material handling industry, John Monteith (founder & President of Industrial Truck Service) focused both on satisfying his growing customer base and recruiting "Can do people, with high enthusiasm, a positive attitude; those willing to work with others, with honesty and integrity." That dedication to quality, as well as to the continued growth and training for the members of his team saw Industrial Truck Service make steady growth. Eventually moving to a larger location on Durand Road and expanding with branches in Saskatoon and Regina, the company made it through the lean years of the early 1980s and became the exclusive prairie dealer for Toyota forklifts in 1983. Still made in Japan at the time, even then Toyota had made a strong impression on the industry; one that only grew with their construction of the Columbus plant in Indiana. A little later, in 1995 John and Industrial Truck Service became the prairie region's sole carrier of Crown forklifts, bringing dedicated warehousing machines into its stable of products. A few years later in 2010 John welcomed Laith Gagnon as a business partner for Industrial Truck Service. In the years since they've worked together to continue building the company through the strength of its brands and the skill of the team they've assembled one member at a time. Their dedication to their team is reflected in just how many staff have spent careers with the company, with two technicians having crossed 25 years of service this past year alone.
Industrial Truck Service Founder & President John Monteith.

Industrial Truck Service General Manager Laith Gagnon.

Founder and President John Monteith, circa 1997.
The more things change, the more they stay the same
Today Industrial Truck Service is proud to be a home grown company, serving the needs of our varied customers with integrity, honesty, and that same customer focused attitude John started with. Things have changed a lot over the years, both in the office and on the road. Technology steadily improved emissions, controls and diagnostics on engine driven trucks, while electronic controllers slowly took over from banks of contactors on the electric side. The chorus of clicks and belch of exhaust have been replaced with the hum of AC drive systems and the soot-less purr of Tier 4 emission, computer controlled engines. In the office paper has slowly been replaced with email, and technicians have added powerful digital tools and dispatching systems to their toolboxes and skills. Some things never change though. The dedication to excellence that made John decide to build his own company in the first place has stayed true through every day since that first November. There were lean times and good times, but John and Laith have supported their team and been supported in turn through every step.Join us in celebrating our first 50 years as a company, and looking forward to more!
Whether we've worked with you for years, are just starting that relationship, or can look forward to starting one with you, we hope you'll join us in celebrating our first 50 years in business. We in the office are hoping for a cake at some point this year; maybe even sparklers. Just so long as it's shaped like a forklift!
- Winnipeg Team image.
- Winnipeg Team presents to John.
- Regina Team image.
- Saskatoon Team image.
In the image gallery above you'll see (from left to right):
1) Our Winnipeg Team with John front and centre (maskless for a moment to take the photo).
2) Our two longest serving (25+ years each) mechanics (left: John and right: Merv) presenting John (centre) with some framed memories of the past 50 years. Behind them is our Head Office Management Team.
3) Our Regina Team, freshly ASEC certified.
4) Our Saskatoon Team, who are looking forward to beginning their ASEC journey.